About the ‘Less is More’ Class
Are you concerned about the environmental issues facing us but are unsure what you can do to make a difference? Reducing your waste is a simple, yet profound way to decrease your impact on the planet and save money and resources at the same time.
Master Recycler, former Metro Regional Government Recycling Information Specialist, and waste reduction advocate Betty Shelley and her husband, Jon, have had just one 32-gallon can of garbage per year since 2006. After so many people asked how they accomplished this, they decided to offer a class to help others realize they too could reduce their waste. In the three-session class, Less is More: Getting to One Can of Garbage a Year, Betty Shelley teaches you her techniques for reducing waste and why that’s so important. The format is interactive and encourages participants to examine their values and behaviors and learn how to make lasting changes. Curb climate change instead of your garbage!
The class is designed to:
- Inform about where our waste comes from and where it goes when we throw it away.
- Explain the three R’s: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle – as well as how to avoid waste before it even gets to your home.
- Raise awareness of the impacts of water, energy and other resource waste, and explore ways to prevent using more than necessary.
- Share techniques for waste reduction, whether it be to one can a month, a quarter or a year.
- Create awareness that all of your actions do make a difference.
Host the Class
Are you interested in taking the class with friends, co-workers, neighbors, congregation members? The class is easily adapted to various settings and group sizes; however, a minimum number of eight participants is required to ensure lively discussions. The class can be done in one 4- to 6-hour session or can be presented in shorter lengths to accommodate lunch hour meetings.
Less is More: Getting to One Can of Garbage a Year has been hosted at workplaces, nonprofits, libraries, faith centers and more. Contact us to discuss rates and availability.