
The Oregonian featured Betty Shelley in “Portland recycling guru, husband fill one can of trash in 16 months.”


Metro offers advice on reducing waste from their recycling hotline operator, Betty Shelley in “How low can your garbage go?


In another AM Northwest segment, Betty discusses “Fun with eco-friendly gift giving.”


KATU’s AM Northwest learns how to “Go green & save money in the New Year!


Jon and Betty share tips for The Manual, in an article entitled The Earth-Friendly Man’s Guide to Reducing Waste

Betty and Jon, average garbage heroes


In this AM Northwest segment about post-holiday recycling, Betty shares what can go in your home recycling plus tips to reduce waste.


Waste Facts:

  • Edward Humes, Garbology

    “Our Annual Waste: 19 billion pounds of polystyrene peanuts, 40 billion plastic knives, forks and spoons, 28 billions pounds of food, enough steel to level and restore Manhattan and enough plastic film to shrink-wrap Texas.”

  • The Story of Stuff

    “The US has 5% of the world’s population and uses 30% of the world’s resources.”

  • Wall Street Journal

    "American communities on average spend more money on waste management than on fire protection, parks and recreation, libraries or school books..."

  • The Story of Stuff

    “For every can of garbage put out at the curb, the equivalent of 70 cans of waste is produced to create the trash you put at the curb.”

  • David Wann, Simple Prosperity

    “Since 1900, US population has tripled, but use of materials has increased 17-fold.”